Second Edition of the History of Skål International Uruguay

Skål International Uruguay shares the Second Edition of the 'History of Skål International Uruguay' in digital version.

"We are very happy to be able to present this small work, done as a team by those who, in a way, love our Institution, Skål International, which is synonymous with Friendship". Fernando Medina, Honorary President of Skål International Uruguay.

We would like to thank Skålleagues Carlos Acchinelli from Colonia, Fernando Medina, Juan Carlos Betancurt from Montevideo, Mario Costa from Punta del Este, and former Skålleague from Litoral Gabriel Yañez for their time and contributions, and especially the eternal Historian, Honorary World President, Knight of the Order of the Mate and the Bombilla, Don Antonio García del Valle, so close to the spirit of Skål International Rioplatense.

Also to technically recognize the webmaster Gaston Perez for his time and patience, in order to achieve the culmination of this endearing work assumed with strong Skål commitment.